The Institute for water engineering and sanitary engineering was founded in 2002 in order to specialize in these branches and to act as a specialized contact person for water supplier, sewage disposer, department of water management and engineering companies in Middle Germany. The institute enables and develops the cooperation between companies, applied research and science.
The main function of our institution is to bring forward new technical ideas and to put them into practice. The major focus of our research lies on:
- hydrological and hydraulic measurements as basis for rainfall runoff model for wastewater systems and watercourses, foreign water analysis and dimensioning of infiltration systems
- Sampling and analysis of chemical and physical parameters in order to make pollution load calculation in wastewater systems and to analyze quality of water (online measurement and automatic sampling).
- application and further development of one-dimensional and two-dimensional hydraulic simulation programs (measurement of water level and quality assessments for receiving water) and also the tree-dimensional fluid dynamics for complex hydro-engineering projects based on finite element method
- carrying out the hydro-engineering, hydrological and hydraulic laboratory tests based on model test or in-situ tests
- Quality assessments for water management and hydro-engineering problems.