Urban Water Management
Hydrodynamic simulation of sewer networks
Calculation of network methods from the specifications for the dry weather runoff and the outflow from the surface drains and water levels, depending on the calculation method used as the maximum value or the gait. Hydrodynamic models are used for the hydraulic detection of large networks (calculation of existing systems), in the calculation of reconstruction variants and the proof of the overstack frequency.
Condition assessment fo sewer networks
Data processing software can be used to determine the structural condition of sewer networks. The damage assessment is based on the data basis of an optical inspection.
Long-term simulation
Long-term simulations are used to determine the performance of sewer networks and above all to determine the necessary volume of rainwater retention basins.
Dirt freight calculation
With the help of dirt freight calculation it is possible to determine relief characteristics of rain relief structures of mixed water swer systems. Furthermore it is possible to proof the effectiveness of these structures in regard to the limitation of the discharge of pollutants into natural bodies of water.
Considerations of emission and immission according to BWK M3/M7
Proof of agreeabilty of bodies of water in regard to precipitation-related discharges into surface water.